First of all...if you do not believe or are lukewarm or cold in your faith…before you judge I want to ask you to read this entire introduction message and begin to read the Word of Yahweh- ask the Most High Elohim who created this earth to show Himself to you. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you (Mathew 6:33). He will not let you down if you seek Him with your entire heart! He is always reaching out to you in one way or the other.
Let me introduce myself...
On this webpage I love to share my faith in my Saviour Yeshua (which means 'God is salvation' in Hebrew). I live for the glory of His Name!
I believe Yeshua is the LIGHT OF THIS WORLD who came to bring us life eternal. Believers are in this world but not of this world! Please know that Yeshua loves you and is reaching out to you by means of His Word and genuine believers who are the salt of this earth shining forth His menorah light. However, there are a lot of wolves in sheeps clothing and people who spiritual abuse others…so ask the Holy Spirit to discern deceit from truth...withouth His Spirit we are not able to read His Word…so FIRST pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you...this I know...the righteous people are known by their good fruit but the unrighteous produce rotten fruit! It is foretold in the book of the prophet Daniel and in Revelation that the holy will become more holy and the unholy will become more unholy! Therefore, I don’t put my trust in mankind... Don’t fear man but ask the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew) to lead you. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Also read Provers 3:5-6 if you are not familiar with that verse yet! Trust God, the God of Israël for He will make a way if we put our trust in Him!
Though the flesh is weak we overcome by His indwelling Spirit! Demons and dark powers will flee from the presence of His light shining in our darkness. Yeshua is able to open our eyes for the TRUTH. HaSatan knows he is been defeated but has a short time to deceive the world...he likes people who are deaf and spiritual blind and hates people who are awakening to the truth of Gods Word so he whispers lies into our ears when he gets a chance! As believers we know that our battle is not against flesh or blood but in the spiritual realm. There is a spiritual realm whether you believe it or not...! Read on...and focus on Yeshua who loves you and wants you to know about His love and truth which sets us free! Focus on Him and His love for you. His light will shine in our darkness. Begin to read His Word of Love for you. On this website I share different articles but nothing compares to resting at the feet of our Sheperd and King, Yeshua. His Holy Spirit will guide us in all truth.