Is food a key to good health? I believe it is! Maybe you don't know much about preventative healthcare but after researching it I do believe our lifestyle choices do make a big difference! I know it did help me personally. Therefore, I like to reshare my resources. By visiting the websites I like to mention you will learn about health in an honest way and from a Biblical perspective.
For more information about diet and health according to the Bible go to If you have cancer or another disease I recommend you to go to or Also, TrueNorth Health center is a promising clinic. They say that some of the most chronic, distressing, disabeling and deadly diseases in our society today including high bloodpressure, heartdisease, diabetis, autoimune disoreders such as arthritis, lupus, colitus, asthma and many other disorders can often be significantly improved and succesfully managed by incorperating a health promoting diet and healthy lifestyle into your daily life. Go to These are clinics in America and Mexico where they don't use chemotherapy but rely on the healing capacities of our own bodies. Although they don't get ANY attention from mainstream media, they have a high succes rate.
What you will learn for example is that you don't have to eat five, six or ten times a day. That's what the media and a LOT of dietitians like to let you believe. I have to admid, I myself did believe this to be true for a long time but by visiting these websites you will learn why it's oke and best for you to eat two or three times a day at max. Also, Hippocrates did believe this to be true:
"Hippocrates (...) is called the 'Father of Medicine' (...) he was an exclusive dietitian. He did not have much knowledge of modern medicine, anatomy and physiology. He knew exactly what disease was, and what was going on in the human body, in case of sickness. His ideas, concept and teachings about how to heal every disease can be characteristically seen and understood by two quotations from his work ondietetics. He says: "The more you feed the sick, the more your harm him." Also - "Your foods shall be your 'remedies,' and your 'remedies' shall be your foods."
His first statement proves clearly that he was an advocate of fasting and restrictive diet, especially in case of acute disease. His second statement (suggestion) embraces perfectly the entire problem of dietetics." Your body should get its rest and time to assimilate. Not eating late at night is difficult in the beginning. If you are used to eating all the time, it is better to not hasten the process. Even more so if you have diabetis. Just take it one step at a time, let's say take one step every month. By the end of the year you will notice you have become used to eating two times a day without being hungry.
Another recommendation I like to add is to read about juicefasting and other type of fasts also. It will help you to get rid of cravings in a couple of day's but you need to know what you are doing. Therefore, order a book about juicefasting which you can reread several times. Also, there are many good articles about juicefasting on the internet. A book about juicing which I recommend to everyone is 'Fresh vegetable and fruit juices' from Dr. Norman Walker. However, if you have a high level of toxicity and heavy metal poisening you should get guidance and slow down the process. It takes years for toxicity to catch up with you so it can not be released in two seconds. You will get headaches, feel extremely tired, dizzy, etcetera, etcetera. Oke, maybe I said enough. I am a big advocate of self study. Beneath I added some books in which information is given about the steps of detoxification. The information given in these books will help you to detox and live a healthy and preventative lifestyle.
* Raw Food Formula for Healht by Paul Nison.
* De Hemelse Voedselbank. Voedingslessen uit de Bijbel by Drs. E. Noordermeer
* The Daylight Diet by Paul Nison.
* Holy Cow by Hope Egan
* The Hippocrates Diet and Healt Program by Dr. Ann Wigmore
* The Gerson Therapy by Charles Gerson
* Colonhealth by Dr. Norman Walker.
* Fresh vegetable and fruit juices by Dr. Norman Walker
* Clean by M.D. Alejandro Junger
* DVD Toxic relief by M.D. Don Colbert
* The Depression and Mental Illness Video Lessons by Foodmatters
* Our body’s many cries for water by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
* Excotoxins by Dr. Russel Blaylock
* Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritz
* Gids voor vitaminen en mineralen
* Handboek neurofeedback bij ADHD
* Medische megablunder – De fraude met seretonine en dopamine van Fernand Flaesbrouck
* Van kwaal tot erger - Dr. van der Ven
* Nurishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats
* Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition
* DVD Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetis in 30 Day's
Many of these health advisors/doctors do not rely on medications only but are also thoroughly educated in the healing cappacaties of our own bodies. I like to warn you though: many alternative treatments are not recommended and are even to be avoided. Selfstudy is a must.
There are a few basic healh principles: faith, enough fresh air, sunlight, excercise, healthy foods, stress control, fasting and detoxification, emotions, etc. There is no need to get confused by all the expensive synthetic supplements which your body does not even recognize. It is best to pay attention to the simple basic health principles such as eating fresh, ripe and organic foods. I advise everyone who is interested in improving their health to read a book about colonhealth. Taking ten or twenty pills will not help you if you aren't able to assimilate them. Chlorella and spirulina are wonderful natural supplements with the highest content of chlorofyl in them. They are great detoxyfiers and help your body to get rid of heavy metals but buy them in bulk and without the harmful fillers. Keep it natural.
P.s.: this article contains no medical advise. If you are Dutch I like to recommend you to click on the article below or visit They have great books about Natural health and cleansing. Also, you can choose between the English, Dutch and French language. On this website and in the article below a lot of helpful information is given in regard to switching to a healthy preventative lifestyle.
Aline Kruijthoff