The Lord Will Pour Out His Spirit
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
29 Even on the male and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit.
After this biblereading I went home and what then really caught my attention were two messages I received in a 24 hour timeframe. One was from watchman of the sword and the other one was from Fathers Heart Ministry, a ministry I partnered with by doing a prophetic gifting course for beginners. I like to reshare both. You are free to come to your own conclusions. The best thing to do though (I believe) is bring it to God. His Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.
And a prophetic word from Fathers Heart Ministries I received on the first of July.
The Father says today that the despising of man will not prevent that which I am doing in the earth. The line of demarcation has been reached. I have declared the decree "that will be enough of that!" There will be no more waiting and no more watching. The time for brooding over the chaos is at an end, and the word of life is being brought forth. This is a season to embrace life and to embrace mercy. Embrace mercy, says the Father, for I am passing over the earth by My spirit to remediate and correct and set aright the nations of the earth. In times past, when My Spirit would strive no more, I brought a deluge upon the earth. Now and at this time I remember My oath that I would no more destroy the earth by a flood - but that I would move in mercy toward man, to pour out My Spirit in an undeniable act of grace that would not be denied.
I am pouring out My Spirit this day on My servants and upon My handmaids. Those who feel they are the only valid representatives of My kingdom will be scandalized as I raise up both young and old from obscurity who will voice My truth with purity and without compromise. The stones erected that have been hewn out by man are being cast down, and I am raising up stones that have not the mark of man upon them but the mark of My hand and My Spirit. Know this, that upon the altar of your life I am pouring out My Spirit. Upon the altar of a heart laid bare, upon the altar, I am making Myself known in the fresh oil of My outpouring. Come yielding and pliable before Me for this is a day that My truth is being made known, that the hearts of man - even those in deep darkness, may run into the tower of My name and be safe from the overflowing scourge of the enemy's hand against the earth.
I believe of is also worth mentioning the word given on the 30th of June:
The Father says today that a new, great awakening is coming. Do not be distracted by events around you either on the world scene or in your personal life. The enemy is the great distractor. If he can get your eyes off the harvest he can marginalize your testimony. Fix your attention upon who I am and what I am doing in your life. A great awakening is coming once again into the earth. My overture of invitation is for you to come and be a first partaker of that which I am about to do. My invitation to you is to be a door keeper opening the way to others who are longing and crying out for who I died to be in their lives. A great awakening is coming into the earth and it is your portion to be a part and to be a participator.
Whole cities will come to the foot of the cross. Mayors and city councilmen will weep in repentance on the steps of city hall. Judges will take off the robes of their service and bow their heads before the Judge of the whole earth. Where there has been hate and bitterness and opinion there will be brotherhood and sacrificial love. There will be gatherings so large and so quickly that no existing venue will be able to hold the crowds. The spontaneity of My outpouring will be swift and overwhelming. Police forces will respond with riot gear and tear gas only to arrive and witness My glory as bitter enemies embrace each other in the streets that once ran red with the blood of conflict. Change is at hand says the Father. I am bringing about a new thing in the earth. Make ready for you are ordained to have a part and a portion as you fulfill the calling I have placed upon your life.